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Eating disorders

MEDIAN Group offers a range of different treatment services for various eating disorders.

Within our services, we treat eating disorders, disordered eating habits and their psychological triggers and physical side effects to support to recover and prevent the onset of secondary health issues.

Across Europe, the incidence of eating disorders has been progressively escalating, particularly over the past decade and notably since the COVID- 19 pandemic.

We provide comprehensive treatment for all eating disorders, the different ways they manifest among individuals. These include:

  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Binge-eating
  • Obesity 

Eating disorders

Priory eating disorder service

Priory (MEDIAN UK) provides inpatient, outpatent and day care treatment, as well as online therapy for eating disorders.

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Eating disorders

MEDIAN weight management programme

Weight loss and lifestyle changes through a variety of therapeutic approaches.

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